6 Do’s And Don’ts of Email Marketing

Email Marketing

One of the best digital marketing channels from a very long time has been email marketing and even in this day and age it serves an important role in digital marketing. There is a lot that needs to be done in order to ensure an effective and successful email marketing campaign from the intricacies of the email to the emailing schedule. Here are some of the do’s and don’ts for email marketing that should be taken into consideration.


  • Tracking Metrics and A/B Testing is going to be crucial for a good email marketing strategy. This is the only way you will be able to quantify how your email marketing campaign is performing. With information about the performance of your email marketing campaign, you can take note of the areas where you need to improve your strategy so that the emails you send moving forward are more effective.
  • Making Opt Out options easier is definitely something you need to consider. It may not sound like the smartest thing to do but since you already are legally obligated to include an opt out option, you might as well present the option easily available. This portrays a positive image of your brand to the people in your email list. Including a selective opt out option is the best way to go about. People in your emailing list will then just get emails on offers relevant to them.
  • Constantly keep educating yourself. Moving forward, technology is constantly advancing and marketing trends are evolving along with them. Keep yourself up to date on the latest trends to make sure you don’t fall behind.



Choosing The Right Keywords To Focus Your Digital Marketing Efforts

Choosing The Right Keywords

With the rise of the internet and the digital revolution has come the rise of various types of digital marketing. Digital marketing refers to everything from email marketing to search engine optimisation and social media marketing. However, it is linked by two things: first, all forms of digital marketing use the internet in some way, shape or form; second, most forms of digital marketing involve the careful selection of and placement of keywords.

Keywords are words or phrases which are related to your website or business and which help potential clients find your website. For example, if you were a plumber in Perth, your top keyword might be ‘Perth plumbers’. It is very important to select the right keywords for your digital marketing efforts, otherwise you may end up missing out on a significant amount of traffic.

Consider the following when choosing the right keywords to focus your digital marketing efforts:

Make sure you use location specific keywords:

If you own some sort of localised business which works in a specific area or region, then you absolutely have to make sure that you use a variety of different localised keywords. There is on point driving people to your website if they are from a different part of the world, as the chances of them using your services in this case would be very low. Instead of only using a keyword like ‘plumber’, add a location word to it so you get keywords like ‘Perth plumber’ or ‘plumber in Perth’.



Things To Consider When Designing A Winning WordPress Homepage

WordPress Homepage

Modern web design can appear complicated and difficult, especially if you don’t have a lot of technological experience. However, the ease of new website building platforms like WordPress means that anyone with a bit of time and the willingness to learn can create their own site with minimal costs.

If you are considering going down this road and building your own website without a lot of training, developing experience or coding knowledge, then you need to do some research to learn a few tricks of the trade. One of the most important parts of any website is the homepage, as this is the thing that many people see first. Making a good first impression is very important, and some of the most important things to consider when building a winning homepage include:

Use Smaller Image Files Where Possible:

Of course, you want to make your homepage look as good as you can. However, high resolution images can come at a cost. They are usually large, and therefore take a long time to load, slowing your page load speeds. Research by Google shows that at over 50% of website visitors will leave your site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load, meaning that they are most likely visiting your competitor’s sites. Try and compress your images where possible, and limit image use on your homepage.



Refining Your Digital Marketing Techniques To Increase Your Conversion Rate

Digital Marketing Techniques

The modern online business space is extremely competitive, and it can be difficult to find a profitable niche, especially if you aren’t an experienced digital entrepreneur. Digital marketing is essential when it comes to building a strong online presence, and you should always do your best to make sure that you are using the best digital marketing techniques for your business.

However, you may find that, despite your best efforts, your marketing techniques aren’t resulting in a decent conversion rate. Sometimes all you need to do is tweak what you are doing slightly, while at other times, you may need to change it up completely.

Below are some of our top tips for refining your digital marketing techniques to increase your conversion rate:

Don’t ignore calls to action:

Sure, you might have top quality ads which are perfectly written and which contain decent visual content. However, if you don’t have a strong call to action, you won’t see the results that you want, and your conversion rate will almost certainly be lower than it could be.

Focus on including a strong call to action at the end of any marketing posts or emails, including on social media promoted posts and in marketing emails. Try out different things using A/B testing, and stick to what works.



Using A/B Testing To Refine Your Email Marketing

Using A/B Testing

When it comes to digital marketing, the options are almost endless. There are various forms of digital marketing, including things like search engine marketing (SEM), social media marketing and email marketing. However, most forms of marketing are quite expensive, and unless done right, offer little return on investment.

Email marketing is one of the better choices for established small businesses. It requires little financial outlay (except for the time required to design and write an email), and can be sent out to everyone on your mailing list. However, it can be difficult to create the perfect marketing email, especially if you don’t really know what you’re doing. This is where A/B testing can be useful.

What is A/B testing?

A/B testing is a very common method used by digital marketing professionals throughout the world to monitor and tweak the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. Basically, it involves taking two things – in this case, emails – which are almost identical except for one major difference. They are both sent out to two different subsets of your mailing list, and you can monitor the results to determine which one is the most effective. This allows you to tweak your marketing emails to make sure that you are getting the most out of them.

